Commission Booking Deposit
To secure a commissioned painting a deposit of 25% of the total cost is required. The menu includes 25% for a range of sizes.
The photos here are examples of previous work.
If you would like a custom size painting not listed please contact Claire Manchanda through email, the contact page of this website or Instagram.
To secure a commissioned painting a deposit of 25% of the total cost is required. The menu includes 25% for a range of sizes.
The photos here are examples of previous work.
If you would like a custom size painting not listed please contact Claire Manchanda through email, the contact page of this website or Instagram.
To secure a commissioned painting a deposit of 25% of the total cost is required. The menu includes 25% for a range of sizes.
The photos here are examples of previous work.
If you would like a custom size painting not listed please contact Claire Manchanda through email, the contact page of this website or Instagram.